Sineware Community Chat (bridged with Matrix)

(#general from "Sineware")

[matrix] <Seshan (seshpenguin)> Oh if it's the pinephone images that I make, they should have sshd enabled already

Sineware Cloud Services

[matrix] <robgriff444> ah ok, i flashed it from your page straight to sd card so i'll flash the stable version 1st thanks

Sineware Cloud Services

[matrix] <Seshan (seshpenguin)> If you flashed postmarketOS through pmbootstrap then the sshd service is not running by default (have to turn it on using rc-service sshd start). If you're not able to actually use the device currently, you're pretty much bricked sadly and need to reflash to stable first and then enable ssh and update to nightly (unless you have prolinuxd installed and setup, then you can use the cloud terminal)

Sineware Cloud Services

[matrix] <robgriff444> Seshan (seshpenguin): maybe i'm being stupid but to update as you mentioned (thx btw) i would ssh into it but it tells me ports closed, is this right ie ssh not enabled? I don't have kbd btw

Sineware Cloud Services

[matrix] <Seshan (seshpenguin)> Plasma Mobile Nightly is now (temporarily) tracking the 5.27 branch. In addition, there seems to be a Mesa bug (or at least a Mesa and KDE interaction bug) in Alpine edge that prevents the shell from starting, so you can downgrade Mesa using "sudo apk add ./mesa-22.2.5-r1.apk ./mesa-gbm-22.2.5-r1.apk ./mesa-egl-22.2.5-r1.apk ./mesa-dri-gallium-22.2.5-r1.apk ./mesa-gl-22.2.5-r1.apk ./mesa-gles-22.2.5-r1.apk" with the packages downloaded from

Sineware Cloud Services