
[matrix] <Justin> ```

(#general from "Sineware")

The following packages will be REMOVED: lame The following packages will be DOWNGRADED: kirigami2-libs kirigami2 kactivities-libs karchive kconfig kcoreaddons kwindowsystem kcrash kdbusaddons kglobalaccel kguiaddons ki18n kauth kcodecs kwidgetsaddons kconfigwidgets kiconthemes kitemviews kxmlgui kbookmarks kcompletion kdoctools kjobwidgets knotifications kservice solid-libs sonnet ktextwidgets kio kpackage kdeclarative kwayland plasma-framework kwallet purpose angelfish breeze-gtk attica kidletime knewstuff kirigami-addons kclock kdecoration kde-gtk-config kfilemetadata kcontacts kpeople kcalendarcore kcmutils frameworkintegration oxygen modemmanager-qt plasma-dialer plasma-phonebook kded bluez-qt bluedevil breeze libkscreen layer-shell-qt kscreen kwallet-pam kwayland-integration breeze-icons kactivities plasma-nano networkmanager-qt plasma-nm plasma-settings kactivitymanagerd kinit kdnssd syntax-highlighting kquickcharts kscreenlocker kwin kitemmodels threadweaver krunner milou qqc2-desktop-style plasma-integration plasma-workspace-libs kactivities-stats baloo kholidays knotifyconfig kparts prison ktexteditor libksysguard plasma-workspace kpty kde-cli-tools qqc2-breeze-style plasma-mobile polkit-kde-agent-1 powerdevil-libs powerdevil xdg-desktop-portal-kde qmlkonsole The following NEW packages will be installed: lame-libs


This is the diff between alpine/pmOS base repos and the nightly repo.

Sineware Cloud Services (1/15/2023, 11:31:15 PM)